miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

La competencia idiomática busca dar respuesta a las exigencias de la sociedad del conocimiento, familiarizándote con sus características, sus retos, su impacto en la educación, y específicamente, la nueva concepción del aprendizaje como una construcción personal para la vida. El manejo de otro idioma te permitirá desarrollar habilidades y capacidades para aprender a aprender ya que como alumno y como ciudadano en este milenio, requieres un nuevo perfil que te permita seguir aprendiendo toda la vida, y de que, estas inmerso en una sociedad de rápidos cambios impactada por las tecnologías de información y comunicación.

lectura y comprension

what is a business?
business is a word that commonly udes in many different languages. But exactly what does it mean ? the concepts and activities of business have increades in modem times. traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. today it has a more technical definition. one definition of business is the production , distribution, and sales of goods and services for profit. to examine this definition , we will loook at it variuos parts.
first, productions is the creation of services or tha changing of materials into products. one example isthe conversion of iron ore into metal car parts. next , these products need to moved from the factory to the marketplace. this is known as distributions. A car might be moved from a factory in detroit to a car dealership in miami.
third is the sale of goods and services. sales is the exchange of a product or services for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money.goods are products that people either need or want;for example, cars can be classified as goods . service, on the other hans , are activities that a person or group performs a service when he repairs a car . A doctor aldo performs a service by taking care of people when they are sick.

sarah Mclaghing
sarah is 20 years ol d . she goes the university and lives on campus . she always wakes up at 6:00 am , and she runs inthe park .she usually comes back at 6:00 , and she always takes . a quick shhhower. she some times eats breakfast very fast. she sheldom rides her bicycleto school. but she almost always drives her car ,she is rarely late for class . she lives with her friend melissa . on saturday theyy usually go to the supermarket and the laundromat . sometimes they go to the beach . on weekends they always have lunchs together after class. they usually eat in the same place.larry works in a restaurant . he is her boyfriend . they never go to the movies on weekends , but they usually go dancing . they seldom fight . they are always happy

comprehension questions ?

1.- does she do exercise ? yes she does
2.-is she always late for class ?no , she doesnt
3..where does she live ? shelives on compus
4.- wheres sara works ? she does not work
5.- does sara eat lunch alone ? no , she eats lunch with her friend melissa
6.- does she always eat breakfast? sometimes
7.- does she rides a bicycle to school ? sheldom times
8.- does she figth with larry ? they sheldom fight
9.- when does she go to the supermarket ? usually on saturdays
10.- what does she do with melissa on saturdays ? usually she goes with melissa to the supermarket and laundromat

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